- Primary Object
The fundamental and primary objective of the Trust is to endeavor to make human life meaningful, valuable and dignified. In order to avoid repetition this fundamental object is not stated over again and again and the same is treated as an integral part of all the following ancillary objectives, stated as follows:-
- Peace and harmony at the International level in general and at the country level in particular.
- Universal brotherhood irrespective of religious faith, creed, color or nationality.
- Development of Human values by preserving Human Rights.
- Civil Liberties.
- Abolishment of all discrimination.
- To Assist the Muslim community in taking their rightful place in this multi-cultural environment.
- To promote a sense of mutual respect and greater understanding between the Muslims and the other communities in the country.
- To promote better understanding of Islam among people of all faiths and to strengthen the bonds of friendship and brotherhood among them.
- Evolving the method and tools to solve contentious issues among religious communities by Peaceful means.
- Develop and practice Interfaith dialogues.
- Providing legal counseling and Legal assistance to the needy.
- Conducting Legal workshop to create awareness about the rights and duties of Citizens.
- Uphold the supremacy of Indian Constitution.
- To create awareness and educate the people about KHANQHAI NIZAM, dargahs and teachings of the holy Sufi Saints.
- To Organize Rallies, Juloos, and Public Meetings for maintaining Peace and Communal Harmony. Etc.
- Ancillary Objects
(i) Spread of Education:
- To establish, promote, maintain and run Madarsas, Schools, Colleges, Industrial Training Centers, Vocational Training Centers, Research Centers and other educational institutions in India and/or abroad.
- To establish, maintain and run Libraries, Reading Rooms, Study Centers and other establishments. (c)To spread, develop and foster Islamic and modern academic, technical education, good values, disciplined behavior, and culture in young generation.
- To open schools and training centers for physically challenged, disabled, handicapped, visually and hearing impaired persons.
- To spread, promote and encourage education and learning in all branches and fields.
- To train teachers and volunteers in ideals and practice of the true spirit of the education and learning.
- To undertake propaganda, training and education of the masses either of its own or in co- operation with similar Agencies working for the same cause.
- To bring, publish, sell and distribute books, periodicals, leaflets, brochures and other materials for the spread and advancement of education.
- To award Scholarships, Stipends, Prizes, Rewards and Education Loans to students with a view to help them in prosecuting their studies in India and/or abroad.
- To affiliate, aid, assist or cooperate with any other educational institution having similar objects.
(ii) Health Assistance:
- To establish, promote, maintain and run Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Maternity Homes,
- Dispensaries, Child Welfare Centers, Convalescent Homes, Sanatoriums, Diagnostic Centers, Wellness Centers, Physical Education Centers, Fitness Centers, Research Centers and other establishments for providing medical help and research.
- To promote Blood Donation.
- To promote health awareness programs.
- To Campaign against the use of Alcohol, drugs, etc.
(iii) Provide Shelter:
- To establish, promote, maintain and run Orphanages, Widow Homes, Lunatic Asylums, Rest Rooms, Retiring Rooms and other establishments for the relief and help to the poor, old, infirm and destitute people.
(iv) Financial Assistance:
- To give, provide and render help and assistance in cash or kind to widows and disable, poor, destitute and old people.
- To grant relief and assistance to the needy victims during any catastrophic or natural calamity or disaster; and to give assistance to establishments/persons engaged in such activities.
- To give, provide and render Micro Credit to assist businesses.
- To give donations or contributions, grant endowments to such persons and/or institutions devoted to the same or similar objects.
(v) Community Service:
- To preach, promote, spread and inculcate Islam, Peace, Culture, Philosophy, Spirituality, brotherhood and communal harmony.
- To preach, promote, spread and inculcate the love of Prophet Hazrat Mohammed (Sallallahu Allaihi Wasallam) and his noble teachings and blessed Sunnah.
- To promote strengthen and support, Restore Sufism and its culture in the country.
- To preach, promote, spread and inculcate the message of Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Hasan Chishty for peace, love and communal harmony amongst the people of the country.
- To establish, promote, maintain and run Memorials, Auditoriums, Meeting Rooms, Marriage Halls, Play Grounds, Parks and other establishments for socially useful activities and functions.
- To establish, promote, maintain and run Social Service Centers, Adult Education Centers and other establishments.
- To establish, promote, maintain and run Sufi Madarsas.
- To regularize and affiliate existing Sufi Madarsas for quality standards and assistance.
- To raise the standard of morality, ethics, character and human sensitivity for achieving self- realization.
- To establish Employment Generation Centers.
- To establish and promote Self Help Groups.
- To conduct and impart technical trainings in various technologies for the benefit of the students community.
- To organize seminars, symposiums, conferences, career guidance session. Personality development training and communication skills in English, Arabic, Urdu and in other regional languages.
- To provide counselling for the vast issues to the people, e.g. Career, Family, Health, Social Security, etc.
- To construct, create, make provision of new Islamic buildings i.e. Sufi Centers, at needy places in rural and urban areas and repair, renovate them wherever it is required and also share in constructing of such buildings if being constructed by others.
- To Organize Rallies, Juloos, Public Meeting for maintaining Peace and Communal Harmony. E.g. on the Occasion of Prophet (PBUH) Birthday, etc.
(vi) Political Awareness:
- (a)To educate people about their Fundamental Rights and Duties. (b)To aware people about the vote power and its best use.
- To educate people how to use Voting Machine.
- To help people in enlisting their names in the Voters’ List and get Voter’s ID.
(vii) Legal Assistance:
- To promote and spread legal awareness.
- To provide legal counselling.
- To establish, promote, maintain and run Family Counselling Centers.
- To establish, promote, maintain and run Self Redressed Forums for avoiding legal hurdle and for faster community based solutions of social-legal problems.
(viii) Save Environment:
- To work for the Clean & Green Environment.
- To promote Tree Plantations and Waste Water Management.
- To work for the Soil and Water Conservation.
- To make environment pollution free.
(ix) Publication:
- To bring, publish, sell and distribute books, periodicals, leaflets, brochures, newspapers and other materials for the promotion of the objects of the Trust.
- To publish Ahle Sunnah literatures, Journals, Periodicals, newsletters in various languages.
(x) Miscellaneous Objects:
- To acquire and maintain the movables and immovable properties for achieving and said objects. (b)To permit the use of trust property on lease or license by institutions or organizations which are devoted to same or similar objects.
- To collaborate and associate with different Government Departments, Corporate, NGOs and other institutions to deliver the services to the society.
- To advance any other objects similar to the mentioned above.
- To give donations or contributions, grant endowments and assistance to such persons and/or institutions devoted to the same or similar objects mentioned above.